Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lazy Sunday

We have a wonderful tradition within our family, a beautiful tradition, and this is called: Lazy Sunday. Sounds good, right? Trust me, it's as good as it sounds! It goes something like this: eat, go to church, praise God, come home, eat, play with kids, cuddle with kids, eat, play with kids, eat, bath, cuddle kids, and well, you get the point...

Sundays often remind me to keep my eyes open, remember what I'm blessed with, to focus on what really matters. So, let me reflect on today...

* My kids love their father, more than words could express. He was gone most of the day, at drill for the Army, and every 5 minutes I heard Kayleigh's sweet voice asking me when her daddy would be home to play with her. She loves him, endlessly. And when he did get home I got to watch Matthew's eyes light up with joy seeing his daddy walk through the door. How blessed are my kids!
* We're blessed to have found a new church, a church we feel at home, a church who appreciates the military & the sacrifices their families make. I will always miss Centerview (and as I'm writing this, I'm listening to Pastor Mike online, praise God for technology!) I'm thankful for God leading us to Emmanuel Baptist though.
* It's always an adventure to put a puzzle together with a 3 year old, and try to dig the pieces out of my 8 month old's mouth.
* Listening to Kayleigh say, "Maffew, follow me, come play in my room." How can that not melt your heart?
* Pink baths! Food coloring is amazing. A plain ole' bath can be turned into a magical time with a few drops. Kids love it!
* And last, but not least, my husband loves me. Did he bring home flowers or jewelry? No, but he doesn't need to. He just loves me. I'm blessed!

I need to count my blessings more often. I think we all do. Did you recognize a blessing today?

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